/medəˈtāSH(ə)n/ noun
the action or practice of meditating “a life of meditation”
Synonyms: contemplation, thought, thinking, musing, pondering, consideration, reflection, prayer, deliberation, study, rumination, cogitation (the action of thinking deeply about something), mulling over, brown study (the condition of being so lost in solitary thought as to be unaware of one’s surroundings: absent-mindedness), concentration.
“cultivating the presence of something Greater than you in meditation and prayer”
/ˈme-də-ˌtāt/ verb
to engage in contemplation or reflection – “He meditated long and hard before announcing his decision.”
to engage in mental exercise (such as concentration on one’s breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness
transitive verb
to focus one’s thoughts on : reflect on or ponder over – “He was meditating his past achievements.”
to plan or project in the mind : INTEND, PURPOSE – “He was meditating revenge.”
If you know how to worry, you know how to meditate. You're just meditating on the wrong things!
Simple Meditation Resources
Breathing Meditation

Dance Meditation
Eating Meditation

Fists of Anger Meditation
Walking Meditation

Meditation Myths
- “Meditation is only spiritual/religious practice”
- “I need to follow certain rituals, wear certain clothes, burn incense, etc.”
- “I need to be in a temple, or a special place”
- “It takes years to get any benefit”
- “I need a master to meditate”
- “Meditation will make me want to abandon my life and become a monk”
- “Meditation is boring”
- “Meditation is escapism / running away from problems”
- “Meditation is just relaxation or sleep”
- “Meditation is effortless”
- “Meditation is all about calming the mind”
- “Meditation is all about being in the present moment”
- “I don’t have time to meditate”
- “Meditation and mindfulness are the same thing”
- “I must close my eyes to meditate”
- “Meditation requires chanting mantras”
- “Meditation is hard”
- “Meditation is about feeling good”
- “I need a quiet mind in order to meditate”
- “Meditation is fighting with thoughts / emptying the mind”
- “I need to sit in lotus position to meditate”
- “I have ADHD/ADD… there is no way I can meditate”