Seeking Event Sponsors
Sponsor a #406GameNight
Event Sponsors:
One to ten #406GAMENIGHTS
Platinum Sponsor: $500 per Event
Same as Gold Sponsor PLUS a 5 minute Announcement By a Sponsor Representative, will be allotted at the Opening of Event Announcements.
Gold Sponsor: $250 per Event
(1) 30’’ x 6’ Banner provided by Sponsor to be displayed during the event, along with Social Media Mentions and Verbal Announcements the night of.
Dinner Sponsors:
One to ten #406GAMENIGHTS
Foodtrucks or Restaurants:
Meals, Plates, Utensils, Knapkins, and any other necessary accoutrements/dressings for 50-60 guests
Coffee/Dessert Sponsors:
One to ten #406GAMENIGHTS
Coffee Shops: Coffee/Cups/Stirrers/Cream/Sweeteners and Desserts for 50-60 guests
Businesses for Raffle Items:
4-5 Raffle Items or up to 10+ items for our 10 Game Nights