Figuring out what you want to be when you grow up can be HUGE, especially when you’re already grown. Yay us, for finally figuring it out! (Apparently it’s been staring us right in the face for years.) All we had to do was ask ourselves a few simple questions.
1. What do we feel most purposed and called to do?
2. When do we feel most happily and usefully whole?
The answer was clear. It has ALWAYS been when we are loving, serving, and recovery community building. And it was from these three things that the idea of starting a “Supporitve Tiny House Community” was born.
What does that even mean exactly? To keep things simple, it’s nothing more than a piece of property dedicated to building and sustaining a healthy and healing environment for individuals living in recovery…we are ALL recovering from something. It’s NOT a “Sober Living” but a place where people are aiming to live sober.

Because our focus will be on living smaller in order to have Bigger lives and more time to give back, the residences will all be smaller alternative dwellings, such as Certified Tiny Homes on Wheels, Small Cabins, and the like. 12 step meetings and workshops will be held onsite, as well as various job opportunities made available to our residents.
Our first task was to hold our newfound idea up to the light, and by “light” we simply mean a list of certain criteria that we hold close to our hearts:
- Do we have sufficient experience, strength, and hope to guide us through?
- Are our treasures and hearts in the right place?
- Will this endeavor allow us to be good stewards of our gifts and help others?
- Is healing our focus?
- Will sharing be our culture?
- Is this going to be a safe and sacred place where Iron will sharpen Iron?
- Will prayer and meditation be supported?
- Will Spiritual Growth be encouraged?
All answers being “YES”, and feeling strongly purposed and called, we move forward daily, putting this vision out there.
Who are we, and what’s this whole thing all about? Well, our names are Nino and Victoria Gabaldon. We are a sober, husband and wife team, and have been active in the recovery community for over 25 years. In that time we have definitely discovered where our hearts live, and have uncovered a few of our gifts. Our hopes have always been that one day we would find out how God could use us best, and the day arrived. We are forever grateful. Finally realizing that we are standing on the path and ready to take full responsibility for this mission, is awesome and scary all at the same time. Our commitment is to fear less, and remain faith-FULL, as we step forward.

This means, that our income has to come as a byproduct of other things. Within the community at “New Now Village”, we will focus on the following efforts to generate revenue, therefore, affording us more time to love and serve. Here are a few proposed income streams:
- Seasonal Short-Term Rentals (to help subsidize our REAL Affordable Housing Model)
- Long-Term rentals
- SoberDirectory.com (A paid listings site for all Recovery Related stores, events, clubs, conventions, retreats etc.)
- A Makerspace/Market (a “healing through the creative process” program and space designed to reclaim, recover, and repurpose both the program participant/entrepreneur and the materials used to MAKE transformative upcycled New creations. – Open to the Public.)
- MakersWish.Market (A paid listing site for all MAKERS to sell their items and barter with other Makers to keep items out of the landfill).
- Tiny Home building classes
- Sales of Reclaimed lumber and repurposed building supplies
- Sales of upcycled furniture
- 12 Step meeting rentals
- Retreats
- Homesteading classes
- We are not marriage counselors.
- We are not banks, loan sharks, or financial advisors.
- We are not cooks, maids, or landlords
- We are not babysitters or pet sitters
- We are not a car rental service or uber.
Now, although all of the above are true; humanness, empathy, and compassion can kick in, and you may find yourself going above and beyond the call of duty.
Just short of enabling, we will NOT frown on extra milers, we will encourage them!! We want to foster a “Pay It Forward” awareness.
Approximately 10 years ago, we were seconds and inches away from opening a “Sober Living” and after completing our due diligence, we decided against it. Without owning our own property, we could easily see our bottom line of truly helping others, coming into conflict with earning, and we couldn’t bear to experience that. It was something we had witnessed with the majority of the places that we researched and interviewed. We have been in a praying and holding pattern ever since. We were not willing to own a business that we claimed was “people” focused, if we couldn’t afford to put “people’s” needs first.

First: affordable housing
Second: food
Third: employment or job/life skills
New Now Village – A Supportive Tiny House Community will be where “Creating Space for Grace” is built into our Culture, because in the end, only kindness matters.
I find it funny how more often than not, “answered prayers” are only considered answered prayers, when they are acknowledged as such. In the past when we have prayed for knowledge of God’s will for us and the power to carry it out, Love and Service won EVERY time. Once we finally gained this clarity, we decided to faithfully turn ourselves over to it with complete abandon. And it was most certainly a “baptism by fire” as we leapt into Property Management roles for the past few years in preparation to open “New Now Village”. Sadly, the “fire” part, became literal as well as figurative (as we were displaced from our home during The Norse Peak Fire on Crystal Mountain in Washington several years back). We have since (safely) moved to beautiful NW Montana, to continue our journey. After managing an incredible property in the West Glacier/Columbia Falls area for a few years, we decided that it was time for us to consider a property of our own.
We hope you’ll join us for this next chapter!